About Us

The Story Behind Our Organisation

Accionar Africa is a registered (Reg No. CG206070821) Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with the motive of providing mentorship, training and assistance to girls and young women within communities in Ghana and beyond.

To empower young women in achieving greater heights through mentorship, training, and assistance.

To nurture and equip today’s woman for tomorrow

Message From the Director

I had always wanted to be a lawyer, just so I can be the voice of the voiceless. I ended up as a student Planner and realized Planning is more human centered than law. My passion to inspire lives and impact society is what has birthed this NGO which will target the girl child and young women in and around Ghana, to educate, empower and expose them to the realities of life, helping them make informed decisions now and in the future.
Finding a name for our NGO, we wanted one that will make meaning and speak for itself anytime it is mentioned. ACCIONAR: Is a Spanish word which means to actuate, inspire, propel, initiate, and AFRICA because my team and myself see Accionar operating beyond the borders of Ghana. Our arms are opened for all forms of contribution (advice, direction, support in cash/kind).

Message from the Director.
Miss Deborah Nimako Baah


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